Have Your Say.

Join our Patient Participation Group, and make your voice heard.

Our Patient Participation Group informs the service we provide to you.


We are eager to ensure that patients are actively involved in deciding how the health services they use should develop. 

The Patient Participation Group works to improve communication between the Surgery and its patients, to ensure the services on offer truly meet the needs of all patients.

Anyone is welcome to join the group, as long as you are registered with the Surgery and interested in working together to make positive changes for the Surgery and its patients.

We still have some vacancies in our current group. We especially need young people, workers, retirees, people with long term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.

The PPG meets regularly as a group at the practice and, in a two-way approach with the practice team, discuss and suggest improvements in the service and facilities for the benefit of patients, staff and carers.

To join us or for further information, please contact William Cope, PPG Chairman


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